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In Japan, there are several "unified character codes" (統一文字コード tōitsu moji kōdo) for administrative purposes. This page offers some brief explanation about them.

Koseki Tōitsu Moji

Koseki Tōitsu Moji (戸籍統一文字) is a character set that is used by the Koseki Shisutemu (戸籍システム; Family Registry System) of the Ministry of Justice (法務省 Hōmushō). Each character is given a six-digit decimal Koseki Tōitsu Moji number. Some glyph differences that are unified in Unicode and JIS standards are not unified in Koseki Tōitsu Moji, and such characters are given different numbers (ex: koseki-352760 vs. koseki-349920). It is not compatible with Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji.

The information about each character can be found on the Ministry of Justice's official website (in Japanese).

On GlyphWiki, Koseki Tōitsu Moji are under the koseki-###### name format.

To see the list of Koseki Tōitsu Moji characters on GlyphWiki, go to 字表:CodeChart-戸籍統一文字.

Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji

Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji (住基ネット統一文字) is a character set that is used by the Jūmin Kihon Daichō Nettowāku (住民基本台帳ネットワーク; Residential Basic Book Network). It is based on the JIS X 0213:2000 and Unicode standards, but characters that cannot be encoded using JIS and Unicode standards are mapped into the Hangul area of Unicode. Each character is given a four-digit hexadecimal Unicode code point. Some glyph differences that are unified in Unicode and JIS standards are not unified in Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji, and such characters are given different code points (ex: juki-b9d5 vs. juki-845b). It is not compatible with Koseki Tōitsu Moji.

The detailed specification of Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji is basically kept confidential, so only some information is known about it. The kanji part can be found on 文字情報基盤文字情報一覧表 , but it is not in the Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji code order.

On GlyphWiki, Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji are under the juki-#### name format.

To see the list of Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji characters on GlyphWiki, go to 字表:統一文字コード.

Tōki Tōitsu Moji

Tōki Tōitsu Moji (登記統一文字) is a character set that extends Koseki Tōitsu Moji. The detailed information about it is kept confidential. Each character is given an eight-digit decimal Tōki Tōitsu Moji number. It is not compatible with Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji.

Some information can be found 文字情報基盤文字情報一覧表 , but the characters that are only in Tōki Tōitsu Moji (i.e. neither in Koseki Tōitsu Moji nor in Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji) are not available.

On GlyphWiki, Tōki Tōitsu Moji are under the toki-######## name format.

toki-00###### is identical as koseki-######. toki-01###### is the unique part of Tōki Tōitsu Moji (containing some duplicates with Jūki Netto Tōitsu Moji).

To see the list of Tōki Tōitsu Moji characters on GlyphWiki, go to 字表:登記統一文字の一覧.